Thursday 23 August 2012

50 miles - in the bag!

22 August

Final missing section to complete in our third consecutive night of walking. This had to be a linear walk from Bridges to Little Stretton with the plan to leave one car there and return later to pick it up. Set off at 17.15 and made good progress up to Coates 1.0km, 17.32, through three gates and on to Medlicott (2.1km, 17.51) where we headed straight up towards Medlicott Cottage. Spotted our first glider of the evening here.

Between Coates and Medlicott.
Reached Medlicott Cottage and the boundary to the National Trust land at 2.7km, 18.06. Full of enthusiasm we set off with confidence - up the wrong track. Realised after a while that we were following the NT boundary when we should have been going at 45 degrees from the entrance gate towards Pole Cottage.

The wrong path!
The right path - looking back to Medlicott Cottage

After retracing our steps, we set off again from Medlicott Cottage at 3.2km, 18.21. The path was difficult to see but we could make out a faint track in roughly the right direction which eventually became a path through the blooming heather. (Don’t worry I’m not about to break into song …) JP had warned us that this could be a wet walk through the heather, not on this occasion but he is right if it had been raining heavily before. Further up the hill the path kept disappearing and when we studied the OS map carefully we realised there should be some ponds nearby.

Among the blooming heather...

On the horizon we spotted some rushes/sedges which we thought could indicate ponds, and we were right. The path skirted to the left of the ponds and then headed for a clump of trees which marked the site of the former Pole Cottage. This is now just an enclosure where the cottage once stood and is used as a group camp site, 4.3km, 18.44. An easy walk along The Portway followed and the track to Minton was nicely signposted, although we couldn’t identify all the paths shown on the OS map. After a brief coffee break we set off at 19.03, 5.5km. 
The ponds near Pole Cottage.

Good track over Minton Hill and on past the Packet Stone into a charming valley resplendent in purple heather. Reached the NT sign at the foot of the hill at 8.1km, 19.51, and into hamlet of Minton where there is a fine example of a cruck-framed house being renovated.

The route to Minton.

Just past the Packet Stone.

The next section is a slog along the lane to Little Stretton which took longer than anticipated and we even tried a bit of jogging along here. Arrived at the Green Dragon at 9.7km, 20.16 then back home along the road before setting out to collect the car, and of course have a pint in The Bridges - well we did make use of their car park so it’s only fair. 

Hurrah, that’s the 50 miles completed; just have to do it in 24 hours now. I feel some more night walking coming our way.

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