Friday 22 June 2012

On two wheels

17 June 2012

Not quite a walk this time, but training all the same. Francis and I went for an evening ride over the Long Mynd. Wasn’t sure how well my old mountain bike would fare but nothing dropped of at least and I go back in one piece. 

Climbed up Motts Road which is direct but tough-going pushing the bikes, didn’t even attempt to ride up there. At the top two ponies were grazing and one appears in the photograph. 
Francis and pony at top of Motts Road.

Nice ride up to Pole Bank via Shooting Box, same spot in consecutive days! Had to walk up some of the final ascent to Pole Bank but I blame the bike. Next time I’ll ride all the way, promise. 

Fantastic views at the top including clear sight of Cadair Idris in far distance beyond Corndon. We now had ride down towards gliding climb and then took bridleway towards Little Stretton. 
Bikes at Pole Bank.

View to Corndon from Pole Bank.

Cracking grassy descent, I now understand why the boys love this so much! Stopped for a group of ponies of which the youngest came up close enough for Francis to stroke his head.

Onward and downward with one very steep and precipitous section. Francis was way ahead while I rode down on the brakes, realising that I really do need a better bike for this.

Got to the bottom in one piece though and easy ride back along the road from Little Stretton. You can tell Francis’s bike is new as he washed it down straight away.

Can’t wait for the next time.

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